SHASA welcomes you to help us make the Eurobodalla a Better Place to Live, Work and Play. Let us know what you are interested in and what ideas you have to help us all. You might like joining one of our teams of committees or helping our groups of volunteer repairers at the Repair Cafe. There are all kinds of ways we can contribute to help make our community more resilient. The ideas are as limited as our imagination.
How would you like to be involved?
- SHASA needs a Social Event Coordinator. Someone to organise fun events and opportunities to socialise.
- Repair Cafe – Held every Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Are you able to repair things? We are particularly looking for people who can repair jewellery, clocks or watches.
- Market Stalls – SHASA has a table at various markets across the Eurobodalla. We’d love to have you help us out. You don’t need to have a lot of knowledge about the projects we are up to, just enthusiasm. There will be others there to answer any hard questions.
- Moruya Hospital Solar Farm Project Team – You are welcome to join in and add your ideas. The more the merrier.
- Moruya EV Day Project Team – You are welcome to join in and add your ideas. The more the merrier.
- Grants Committee – We have a team of people who are keen on applying for grants. If you would like to join our grants team, contact us via the contact page above. Grant funding is critical to implementing practical projects to achieve a more resilient community.
- Communications Team – We have a team of people providing new content for the SHASA Facebook page, website, the bi-monthly Spark SHASA newsletter and media releases to inform the public about SHASA achievements.
- Monthly Members Meeting – This meeting is held monthly via zoom and is for those who like to look at the overall direction of SHASA and contribute ideas about helping Eurobodalla become a better place to live, work and play.
- Other ideas? Check out the pages on this website for inspiration or let us know of ideas we haven’t thought of that you would like to get involved in.
Please contact us at SHASA.
SHASA has achieved heaps, and is calling for more volunteers
Kathryn Maxwell, president of Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA) could not be happier with the achievements of its volunteers over the last five years.
“I’m so proud of the volunteers at SHASA.
“Our list of achievements over the last five years proves that we don’t just talk the talk, we deliver projects that make a real difference.
“To name a few, we have helped four local businesses install EV chargers, opened six Heatwave and Bushfire Smoke havens, facilitated 1500kW of rooftop solar, run a weekly food program in Moruya and Batemans Bay and run the Repair Cafe at the Red Door Hall in Moruya,” Ms Maxwell said.
SHASA can boast that 100 percent of all donations go towards project delivery.
It is currently involved in implementing 12 grant-funded projects in the local area.
Other notable achievements include installation of more than 20 solar installations for local groups like the CWA, churches, Marine Rescue and Men’s Sheds, holding three electric vehicle expos over the last two years and providing 120 residents with a test drive in the SHASA e-vehicle.
The solar bulk-buy program, in partnership with Micro Energy Systems (MESA), installed rooftop solar on private homes and 16 community facilities across Eurobodalla.
Another great project with partner Repurposing for Resilience Eurobodalla (RFR) involves the reuse and repurposing of discarded solar panels and associated industry waste.
The diverse roles include preparing grant applications, writing media releases, project management, running market stalls, writing articles for SHASA newsletters, networking with other stakeholders, fixing items at the repair cafe and organising social events for SHASA.
SHASA has members located across the Eurobodalla from South Durras to Central Tilba.
It makes extensive use of technology, including Zoom and email, as well as face-to-face meetings.
Training and mentoring can also be provided to new volunteers.
All volunteers can get a SHASA t-shirt and an invitation to the 10-year anniversary party in the second half of 2024.
For more information look around the SHASA website or email shasa@gmail.com

Your Feedback
23rd June 2021 – “Congratulations. Hi to you both and everyone else behind the scenes at SHASA. It’s mind blowing what you have achieved to date and I’m sure will continue to achieve for our part of the south coast. Volunteering has its up n downs but it fantastic to see your achievements and the benefits it will bring to the future and the environment”. (Name supplied).