“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”.
Margaret Mead
As a small volunteer organisation, we embrace the principles of self-organisation. We encourage anyone and everyone to step up and take responsibility for our community. We see it as bottom-up, rather than top-down decision making. This collective action at the local level is at the heart of vibrant, well-functioning communities.
A process that has a strong focus on community-centred engagement has been proven to provide significant benefits for all stakeholders.
SHASA believes that the Eurobodalla Shire and the wider region can benefit from a deliberate and targeted community engagement approach. This includes:
- A community that is involved in making decisions for its own future
- A better connected better-represented community
- Capacity for the community to better understand and solve its own problems and challenges
- A community that can make better decisions on resourcing issues, especially where limited funds are available
- Promotion and support for community leadership
SHASA has partnered with A Better Eurobodalla to assist in providing a community forum advocating for Eurobodalla ratepayers and residents.
What have we achieved?
- Regular SHASA stalls have been run at markets in Moruya, Narooma, Dalmeny, Broulee (Art on the Path) and Tuross Head (Easter) – prior to COVID19 restrictions.
- Prepared submissions to:
◦ Eurobodalla Shire Council draft budgets
◦ Eurobodalla Shire Council Rural Lands Strategy (Local Environment Plan) - Partnered with 350 Eurobodalla, Nature Coast Marine and
Coastwatchers to raise awareness of climate policies of candidates for the 2019 Federal Election.
- Joined forces with a number of environment groups under the Nature Conservation Council umbrella to raise awareness of climate, renewable energy and bushfire recovery policies of candidates for the 2020 Eden Monaro By-Election.
- Ran stalls at the Rotary Renewables Expo in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
- Ran a raffle at these stalls to raise funds for community facility solar.
- Partnered with Dallas Tanner for a fundraising concert in Moruya.
- Donated funds to 350 Eurobodalla for the Federal Election and the 2020 Eden-Monaro By-Election to cover printing costs.
- Moo’s News
Food & Water
There are a number of initiatives to increase the production and supply of fresh food and meals for those most in need in our community.
Free Healthy Meals
- The Anglican Church’s Red Door Cafe (Page St, Moruya) is currently providing 30 sit down and take away meals every Tuesday from 12 noon to 1.30pm.
- Monty’s Place, Uniting Church Hall, next to the water tower in Narooma provide 120 take away meals every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1.30 pm.
- South Coast Community Kitchen is providing 30 take away meals to those in need on Fridays. Contact Sarah O’Riley through their Facebook page.
- SHASA with a Foundation for Rural, Regional and Renewal grant, installed 2 rainwater tanks, plumbing and an orchard at the Anglican Parish, Moruya.
- Over 100 water/energy efficient shower heads were distributed at SHASA market stalls. Contact us if you would like one too.
- SHASA in partnership with SAGE have run Veggie for All workshops and installed 200 veggie beds across the Eurobodalla with generous funding from the IMB Community Foundation. The 2020 program has been dedicated to people who have lost their homes during the 2019/20 bushfires.
Get involved
Want to Grow your own vegetables in a community garden setting?
You are welcome to grow your own vegetables at the Moruya Community Garden, Anglican Parish, behind the Red Door Cafe. The garden consists of 14 wicking beds. If interested, please contact Kathryn Maxwell on 0467 558645.

Our Partners
Coastwatchers https://www.solarcitizens.org.au/