Membership & Donations

All donations are tax deductible

As a community led not-for-profit we rely on donations, grants and community support. Your donation helps us roll out local community-focused solutions such as solar energy projects, heatwave and bushfire havens as well as promoting and supporting resilience initiatives across the Shire.

All donations are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be emailed for your records. For financial security all transactions are completed via Paypal.

Please select your donation.

SHASA Membership

SHASA member fee is $5 per year.

If you wish to become a member, please print, fill out this form & return to SHASA along with payment.

Email for other payment options.

Admin Login for members

Sign up and join with more than 500 supporters from across the Eurobodalla Shire and beyond to help co-create an inspiring and resilient future for the region.

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