Lock the Gate Alliance has distributed this letter:
The Federal Government is asking for feedback on how they can spend taxpayer money on the gas fracking industry, as they develop their National Gas Infrastructure Plan.*
The Government wants to frack, but what do you want?
We’ve put together a letter you can sign HERE, calling on the Government, and all Federal Parliamentarians, NOT to waste more money on propping up dangerous fracking and gas pipelines.
This month the Government has started ramping up the hand-outs to gas companies, and we need to match them and urgently turn this thing around.
Just this week they’ve started advertising COVID grants of $7.5 million for gas companies to frack in the Northern Territory.
Tourism companies and First Nations organisations are forced to apply for small grants, while gas companies can apply for a massive $7.5 million each.
This month the Federal Government is also pushing ahead with it’s plans to amend the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) in order to fund gas infrastructure.
They’ve introduced a Bill into Parliament that will mean that NAIF funds can be spent on gas pipelines that aren’t even in Northern Australia!**
They are piling rort on top of rort, and it’s Australia that is missing out as we fumble the chance to build back better from COVID.
Thanks for having your say to avoid a terrible misallocation of funds to the fracking industry,
Naomi hogan
National Coordinator, Lock the Gate Alliance
*See the ‘consultation note’ asking for feedback on gas projects that should be developed.
**See the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (Extension and Other Amendments) Bill 2021, amendments 2 and 3
Lock the Gate Alliance