ESC Climate Action Plan update – December 2023
Renegotiating Council’s Power Purchase Agreement where we have to go to the market for a firming price. Reviewing energy usage across all of Council to consider options for feasible and cost effective renewables for those sites not already covered by the PPA.
Negotiating licences and leases with three suppliers to install fast chargers in Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma on Council land. Aiming to have these installed by June 2024. A report to Council on this is scheduled for 19th December.
Built environment
Working with subdivision developers and reviewing the Infrastructure Design Standards to ensure street trees are established in all new subdivisions. Also establishing current canopy cover in existing residential areas and setting targets with the aim of increasing canopy cover for climate resilience in priority urban areas.
Seeking a consultancy for the review of the Waste Strategy. Reviewing methane flaring and potential options to increase this.
Ongoing construction of the Southern Storage/Dam site, approximately 50% completed. Consultancy engaged to review ongoing water quality issues at Surf Beach.
Biodiversity and ecosystems/ Natural Hazards
Natural Resource Management projects such as: Wagonga Inlet Living Shoreline | Eurobodalla Council (; receipt of grants for delivery of Open Coast Coastal Management Program (CMP) actions in Batemans Bay – Caseys Beach rock wall, Surfside Coastal Inundation Levee, Long Beach coastal protection works; undertaking floodplain risk management study and plans for Moruya and Batemans Bay
Sustainability workshops delivered at libraries with new program for 2024 being developed; composting and worm farming workshops still popular, combined plant swap and clothes swap trialled at Moruya market with positive response with more planned for 2024; new campaign – Sustainable Choices – planning commenced for a series of events and opportunities to introduce new people to sustainable solutions; 2024 school sustainability program being developed; We Care project completed which helped businesses switch from single use plastics to more sustainable options; working with event planners to ensure local events consider sustainability policies and options.
Want more information? see ESC Climate and emissions