SHASA’s aim to reduce Shire carbon emissions to zero

Joel Erickson

By Joel EricksonUpdated September 26 2022

SHASA says buying an electric vehicle (like the one pictured) and charging it on renewable energy can reduce a household’s carbon footprint by seven tonnes. Picture supplied.

The South Coast Health & Sustainability Alliance has launched its new Electrify Everything Campaign towards zero emissions.

A SHASA spokesperson said the average Eurobodallan produced about twenty tonnes of CO2 each year, a figure they aim to bring down to zero through the Electrify Everything Campaign.

“Across the Eurobodalla, the frequency and severity of natural disasters has increased much faster than expected,” they said.

“Carbon in the atmosphere continues to rise – switching to an EV saves roughly three tonnes of carbon per year.

“Charging your vehicle from rooftop solar or other renewable energy sources saves another four tonnes per year.

“That’s one third of the average household emissions gone in a heartbeat.”

The news comes just days before an EV Expo, which will run from 10am to 2pm on Saturday, October 1, at Corrigans Beach Reserve in Batehaven, and feature owners and retailers of electric vehicles.

“There’s a new wave in motoring – electric vehicles are on their way, and they’re better and cheaper than ever,” a SHASA spokesperson said.

“Our neighbours in the ACT have introduced a ban on sales of new fossil fuel light vehicles from 2035, they’re offering a two-year registration holiday for new EV sales, and they’ll be charging registration fees based on emissions rather than vehicle weight.

“The NSW government aims for 50 per cent of new vehicle sales to be EVs by 2030, has removed stamp duty on EV purchases, and provides a $3000 rebate.”

The expo ties in perfectly with SHASA’s new campaign which aims for zero carbon emissions in the Eurobodalla Shire.ADVERTISING

Outside of electric cars, the expo will also feature electric bikes, boats, and scooters.

“It isn’t just cars,” organiser Andrew Everard said.

“We’ve also approached retailers of electric bikes, boats and scooters.

“If we’re going to Electrify Everything, we should cover the whole range of possibilities.”

SHASA President Kathryn Maxwell has owned a Nissan Leaf since 2019, and said she has seen more and more electric vehicles on the roads.

She said it was an “easy” change to make to help reduce carbon emissions.

“I’m seeing a lot more interest in the electric car than I used to,” she said.

“Whenever I stop at the charger, or when SHASA has a stall at the markets, there are lots of people who want to find out more about the Leaf.

“It was so easy to make the change to an electric vehicle.”

Joel Erickson

Senior Journalist

Contact or 0447 796 748.

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